Friday, June 12, 2020

Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu Introductions

Namaste blogging world!

This term we've joined forces with two other classes to participate in Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu which translates to write to me, write to others. Participating in this programme is going to help us improve our reading and writing skills, but also allow us to share our awesome learning and creations, as well as connect with some other students who use their chromebooks for learning. 

Our buddy classes are:
Mamaku 3 @ Grey Main School in Greymouth and Room 2 @ New Brighton School in Christchurch. 

To help our buddy classes get to know us a little better we've created these slides to share a bit about who we are.

We're excited to connect with others who live in a different part of New Zealand! 


  1. Hi tuffery class, My name is Trelia
    Cool slides i like the colors that you used.]

  2. Hi tuffery class my name is Brent. love your guys slides btw and hi Mrs Eagleson like your new class.

  3. Hi my name is Robert and I go to may road school I really like your guys blog post It is really cool and I really like all your slides even Ehmarze's.
    Kind regards

  4. Hi there Tuffery class,
    I really like your blog post. I really like how you guys made slides each about each other.Keep up the good work. Thanks:)

  5. Hello Tuffery Class.
    I loved that slide show of everyone's hobbies. I really enjoyed it,Keep up the good work. It is nice to be able to make a connection with you.
