Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Would you rather...? "Our future" edition.

 Bula vinaka bloggers!

You may have seen recently that it is now possible for tourists to visit space! William Shatner (a VERY famous actor from Star Trek: The Original Series) is 90 years old and recently became the oldest person to travel into space. 

After his one-of-a-kind experience he stated that he was "... so filled with emotion about what just happened. It’s extraordinary, extraordinary. It’s so much larger than me and life...Everybody in the world needs to do this, everybody in the world needs to see this.” 

You can get a ticket too, for about $250,000.... (click here to find out what that will get you).

Prince William has also been in the news this week with a new environmental initiative (Earthshot) he is running until 2030. Every year he is awarding $1,000,000 to 5 groups who are working hard on making a world a better place by:

  • protecting and restoring nature
  • cleaning our air
  • reviving our oceans
  • building a waste-free world
  • fixing our climate

With the ultimate goal being to provide at least 50 solutions to the world’s greatest environmental problems by 2030. He believes we should be "trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live."

William Shatner (actor and oldest man to travel into space) on the left and Prince William (founder of The Earthshot Prize) on the right. 

So this week's "Would you rather...?" is a bit tricky! Would you rather be a space tourist or use that money to save the Earth? 

Leave your opinion in the comments below. Who do you agree with? William Shatner or Prince William? 


  1. Hi Paterson class

    I would use the money to save the planet because I am terrified of space someone could tell me go to space and I will give you 1 million dollars and I would say NO. So that is why I would use the money to save the planet.

  2. I would rather save my money to save the earth because all this is OUR planet and people are destroying it. I could grow a garden in my yard and try to use less plastic. I would use the money I saved to help family's and young children in country's that are in war. I could use some of that money to buy food for a family. I could provide clothes and shelter for homeless people. I could replant trees with all the money I saved. I would not like to be in space because what if I am peacefully floating around, AND MY OXYGEN RUNS OUT!? On earth trees to help me breath and also I just like earth more than space :D
    From Karolina

  3. Kia ora Paterson Class. I'm with Prince William 100%. It's interesting that William Shatner said, "everyone needs to do this," when so many people can't even afford housing and food. I think $250,000 could make a huge difference to local environments rather than being wasted on a space trip.

  4. Hello there classmates,

    I would rather save the earth all those people who are struggling deserve a second chance.
    and also using this money I would use to research ways that we can destroy plastic with no problems at all. the reason why I didn't pick space it was because without the people on earth were would I be? after all if i wanted to go to space i could always wait until i'm older.

  5. I would rather save the earth because we will probably not survive on the earth so thats why we should choose to save the earth so we all have a chance to live.
