Friday, September 10, 2021

Special Google Meet Appearance!

 Mālo e lelei bloggers!

Today Paterson Class were lucky enough to attend Adsett Class' google meet for a special appearance by a real scientist! We were introduced to Georgia who is currently working on her PHD studying snapper in the waters around New Zealand.

Georgia (or Super Snapper) is a marine scientist who looks at where snapper live, what they eat and who they hang out with. We learnt about some of the foods they eat. Did you know that snapper have teeth and they eat crabs? They can also eat worms called polychaete worms. Sometimes Georgia finds that the snapper eat worms longer than themselves!

Another thing that we learnt is that snapper can have different shaped foreheads. Some are flat, some are curved and some even have a hump on their forehead! Did you know that snapper also have ears?!

We also learnt that even if snapper are the same length, they will still look different. Some snapper are different colours, some are fatter and taller than others or markings on their bodies. Some of them also have bigger eyes so they can see better in deeper water, see things they are hunting or see things that are hunting them!

There were lots of fantastic questions asked during the meet and we learnt lots about snapper. I'm sure we'll look closely at them next time we catch one when we're out fishing!

Special thanks to Georgia and Samantha from Nanogirl for providing us with this awesome learning opportunity! 

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